Guidelines for Authors

Authors of the research papers , research news analysis, book review and research note are advised to submit their contributions directly online to the website of the journal. Authors may submit their research papers on The following are the guidelines for the authors.

Guidelines for Authors
  1. Indian Journal of Economy and Policy (IJEP) invites theoretical, methodological, empirical and policy related research papers.

  2. IJEP attaches high importance to such papers as innovative or involve some originality with regard to extension and modification of existing theory or methods of research or new interpretations of given dataset or results or include either new facts or transform common into scientific facts.

  3. The contents of the paper should not exceed 7000 words.

  4. Research news analysis should be spread over one paragraph or half page.

  5. Research notes should be helpful to the emerging scholars and such notes should generally deal with newly emerging theory or methodological aspects of research.

  6. All papers will be anonymously evaluated by two referees.

  7. Submission fees of Rs 500/- is to be paid for each paper at the time of submission.

  8. Life members and institutional members will be exempt from submission fees.

  9. Annual members shall get 50% discount in submission fees.

  10. Research scholars without job or fellowship shall be exempt from submission fees.

  11. The submission fees can be remitted directly to the account of the journal …..

  12. The decision of the chief editor or managing editor shall be final.

  13. Authors will receive free copy of the journal.

  14. If any author is found to have indulged in plagiarism, she/he shall be debarred from submitting any paper or communication for life.

  15. Length of abstract should not exceed 350 words.

  16. There should not be more than 5-7 keywords

  17. Author should mention the nature and typology of research to which the paper belongs. Refer JEL codes.

  18. The journal follows APA guidelines for referencing. View the APA guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.

  19. Copyright Form duly signed to be submitted.

Permissions : Please also ensure that you have obtained any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.

Formatting guidelines

The preferred format for the manuscript is MS Word in Times New Roman Font with a font size of 12.

Title Page: Papers should be submitted with the cover page bearing only the title of the article, author/s’ names, designations, official addresses, phone/fax numbers, and email addresses. Author/s’ name should not appear on any other page.

The title page must clearly indicate the name of corresponding author who will handle communications at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication.